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Our unique approach

We focus  on recorded phone calls over any other sales activity because


  • Phone calls outnumber in-person meetings by over 5x for most organizations.  In-person meetings are subject the Hawthorne Effect, in which people change their behavior when observed.


  • Calls are the most cost-effective way to observe entire sales teams with consistency


  • Objectivity .  Calls can easily be recorded and the recordings don’t lie.  Our memories are imperfect and observations are subjective.


  • Audio clips are easily sharable across the organization. 


  • Curated examples can be listened to over and over and provide great content for Learning Management Systems.

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Most companies that invest in preparing a sales “playbook” don’t have the ability to consistently measure and understand what actually follows on real sales calls.


We set out to change that by giving executives, managers, trainers, and sellers the metrics and coaching they need to accelerate revenue growth consistently across the entire organization.  We identify, measure, and improve the behaviors that have the greatest impact on sales performance.

VPs & CROs
Sales Enablement

VPs & CROs



You’ve invested in sales training, conferences, learning management systems, etc and want to measure your return based how your team’s actual behavior connects to revenue.


You seek to discover which inputs - specific sales activities - have the greatest impact on performance output across your entire organization.


You are bringing a new product to market, are retooling an existing team to sell new products, where message consistency and speed of measurable client engagement are crucial.

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